| Biography This site has been authored by Bill Galloway. I designed this site to share my beliefs and life experiences that have led to my personal and professional success. I have borrowed liberally from many of the books I recommend herein. I have tried to give acknowledgments where they are due, If I have missed anyone please accept my apologies for any oversight. It is my own personal belief, derived from years of clinical and financial counseling, that most people find happiness when they find meaning and control in their life. This feeling of personal satisfaction was also greatly enhanced by becoming financially self reliant. I found, through my work, that the greatest progress came after people accept personal responsibility for their life and happiness. This is not an easy task for most people, but it can begin. The best place to begin is to give up offering excuses to your self and others. Try it for a day, it may be harder than you think. I also found that many problems also had a root in personal financial management or rather lack of it. I began to read books on personal finance and investing. I purchased a few homes during that period to fix up and sell. I began to accumulate rental properties and began making more money on the side than I made at work. I decided to return to the university and earned a Masters in Business Administration and later the Certified Financial Planning designation. I opened a financial planning practice and enjoyed a more focused area of counseling, but after two years my business interests and investments demanded my full time attention and I was compelled to close my practice. I have, over the years, continued my study of success, taught investment courses at a local college, and enjoyed speaking about obtaining success and financial freedom to local clubs and organizations. I plan to add and refine this site and add a workbook in the near future. Bookmark this site and tell your friends about it. Use it as a reference site and order hard to find investment books directly through my bookstore. I can be reached at mail@menusforsuccess.com I cannot respond to all of my mail but I do appreciate hearing from my readers, and I value all of your comments and stories.