"Ordinary people think merely how they will spend their time; a person of intellect tries to use it." Arthur Schopenhauer "Most of us go through life not knowing what we want, but feeling darned sure this isn't it." The Cosmic Humorist Time Management The object of time management is to get more out of and enhance the quality of your life. Time management is one of the most important tools that we use to fulfill our life goals. Time is the "stuff of life". We can not buy or trade time. In order to create the life we want we must master our own time. We must create a script to follow and hold our self accountable for playing our part. The object of time management is to get the most out of life In order to be successful we must learn the difference between activity and accomplishment. Tycoons and paupers have the same of twenty-four hours in their day that you and I do, no more no less. It is what we do with our time that really matters. We often feel "so busy that we can't get the things we need to do done, but it is really a matter of planning and priority. We feel that there are already too many demands on our time. Every one has had the felling that their life was compressing and that there was no way to do of all the things that need to get done. When we feel that events are spinning out of control we must step back and focus on one event and then another. Once we focus even on one event we stop the feeling of total loss of control. We then move on to the next event with a little more confidence, the list is getting shorter. The randomness of the events can be eliminated by focusing on one element one at a time. In order to gain control of our time and our life we must:
Ask yourself what is the most important thing I can do at this time. We as Americans feel more and more rushed. We list and then check things off of our to do lists. We take less vacations than the rest of the world. Our leisure time has even become competitive and constructed. Our daily exercise has become physical conditioning. The facts are that we have lots of free time! Studies at the University of Maryland Survey Research Center made by John Robinson show that the perception of a time crunch appears to have gone up in the period of time where free time has increased! We spend hours each day watching television, driving kids, and surfing the internet. Some how we don't count this time as our usable time. It is our perception of our free time that has change. Every day we should have a set of objectives. Some of these will be maintenance items but we should identify and target some of our time for achieving our short and long term goals. We should be able to state our objectives we wish to accomplish each day. If we can not state to our self each day what we should accomplish each day that days time is probably wasted. What goals and objectives we set for ourselves is a personal decision. We are defining our lives which are too important to leave to the random occurrences of the day to fulfill and identify our self. Common personal obstacles people place in the way of time management
Techniques for time management We can accomplish much with only a few time management techniques.
Enjoy the little things for one day you may look back and realize they were the big things. Robert Brault